2023-02-28 22:56:15 浏览数:0
职 称: 教授 |
学院系所: 欧洲杯买足球软件 |
学科领域: 水产动物营养与免疫 |
联系电话: 0532-58957640 |
电子邮件: zhuwei@qau.edu.cn |
通讯地址:青岛市城阳区长城路700号 |
个人简介: |
朱伟,男,1963年11月19日生,博士,教授。中国水产学会营养与饲料专业委员会委员;山东水产学会理事。 主要从事水生动物营养与免疫以及饲料开发等方面的研究,在生物发酵饲料和有益菌制剂开发方面取得突出成果。 |
教学情况: |
本科生课程:动物学、动物生理学、普通生物学、动物营养与消化生理 研究生课程:现代水生动物营养生理专题 |
科研方向: |
水产动物营养与免疫分子生物学/生物学(学硕)、水生动物生物饲料及微生态制剂的研究开发/生物技术与工程(专硕)。 |
科研项目: |
(1). 山东省现代农业产业技术体系刺参产业体系病害防控岗位专家(SDAIT-22-08)(125万元)(2021.01-2025.12),主持; (2).山东省自然科学基金项目“刺参二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)生物合成的调控机制研究”ZR202111180022,10万元,2023.1.1-2025.12.31,主持; (3).国家自然基金项目“仿刺参二十碳五烯酸(EPA)生物合成关键酶基因的鉴定及功能分析(31232678),(83万元), (2013.01-2016.12),主持; (4).青岛市科技计划项目“用发酵技术降解对虾饲料原料中的霉菌毒素”(17-3-3-63-nsh),(30万,2017.06-2019.06),主持;
科研奖励: |
山东省科技进步二等奖,高效环保刺参生物饲料的创制及产业化,2021.12.21. 朱伟,王际英,冯政夫,刘宗强,黄金发,王宝山,宋晓军,李鑫,胡彦江
发明专利: |
1. 朱伟,冯政夫,刘冬美,一种用于发酵霉菌毒素污染饲料的复合发酵菌剂及其应用(ZL202210058221.9) 2. 朱伟,冯政夫,董文欣,杨少辉,用于发酵刺参饲料的微生态制剂(ZL201810660339.2) 3. 朱伟,冯政夫,杨少辉,董文欣,产脂肪酶且抑制灿烂弧菌的枯草芽孢杆菌及使用方法(ZL201810661214.1) 4. 朱伟,冯政夫,海参吊笼养殖专用饲料及使用方法(ZL 201710284600.9) 5. 朱伟, 冯政夫, 董超华, 孙晓凤. 海参亲参人工配合饲料及其制造方法与使用方法(ZL201310083707.9) 6. 朱伟, 冯政夫, 董超华, 孙晓凤. 海参网箱养殖专用饲料及其制作方法(ZL201310084042.3) |
代表性论文: |
1. Wei Zhu, Ruonan Dong, Leilei Ge, Qigang Yang, Na Lu, Hui Li, Zhengfu Feng*, Effects of dietary n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) composition on growth performances and non-specific immunity in pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Aquaculture Report, 28 (2023) 101436. 2. Xiaojun Song, Zhengfu Feng, Lanting Zhao, Wei Zhu* , Fishmeal and scallop mantle subjected to enzymolysis by papain as a substitute for fishmeal could modulate the growth, antioxidant activity and non-specific immune responses in juvenile sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus), Aquaculture Nutrition. 2021, 27(5):1650-1658. 3. Xiaojun Song, Zhengfu Feng, Jiabo Tan, Zhongyi Wan, Wei Zhu*,Dietary administration of Pleurotus ostreatus polysaccharides (POPS) modulates non-specific immune response and gut microbiota diversity of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Aquaculture Report. 2021,19(5):1-9. 4. Zheng-fu Feng, Wen-xin Dong,| Fan Bu, Wei Zhu*,Influence of dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on growth, PUFA composition and the expression of FAD6 and ELOV5 in pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Aquaculture Research 52(4):1666-1676. 5. Zhengfu Feng, Xiaojun Song , Lanting Zhao , Wei Zhu*, Isolation of probiotics and their effects on growth, antioxidant and non-specific immunity of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus, Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2020, 106: 1087-1094. 6. Xiaojun Song, Zhengfu Feng, Yanping Zhang, Wei Zhu*, Regulation of dietary astragalus polysaccharide (APS) supplementation on the non-specific immune response and intestinal microbiota of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicas. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2019, 94: 517-524. 7. Lan-ting Zhao, Zheng-fu Feng, Na Lu, Shao-hui Yang, Wei Zhu*,Effects of dietary n-3 PUFA supplements on composition of n-3 PUFA and expression of fatty acid elongase 5 (AJELOVL5) in sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus. Aquaculture Research, 50 (1): 209–218. 8. Xiaoyu Liu, Lin Wang, Zhengfu Feng, Xiaojun Song, Wei Zhu*,Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of the Fatty Acid Delta-6 Desaturase (FAD6) Gene in the Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicas. Aquaculture Research. 48 (9), 4991-5003. 9. Wenxia Li, Zhengfu Feng, Xiaojun Song, Wei Zhu*, Yanjiang Hu, Cloning, expression and functional characterization of the polyunsaturated fatty acid elongase (ELOVL5) gene from sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus). Gene. 593, 217–224. |
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